5 Things You Get To Release To Live Your Best Life

5 things you need to release now to live your best life


1-  Toxic People

In order to live your best life you can no longer be available to people that don’t treat you right.  You can no longer surround yourself with people who aren’t in alignment with your highest good.  If we are the 5 people we surround ourselves with, what does that say about you. 

I know how hard it is to break ties with people…we feel guilty for letting them down.  We feel guilty we’re no longer there when they need us.   We just feel guilty…But it’s not our job to feel guilty.  It’s our job to make sure we’re living the best damn life we can so that we can in turn show up for the world as the best version of ourselves.


We need to stop trying to be everything to everyone.  We need to stop allowing others to walk all over us under the pretext of love.  We need to stop allowing people to run past our boundaries without even flinching.


We are worthy of being surrounded by people that love us unconditionally.  People that respect us and support us.  People that want to see us grow and expand because they simply want what’s best for us in life.


The way people treat us is a direct reflection of how we treat ourselves and what we will allow.  Pay attention to those you surround yourself with…if they aren’t cheering you on, perhaps it’s time to leave them behind.  Holding on to people that are toxic is a detriment to our livelihood!


2-  Toxic Job

Many of us work in toxic jobs.  I’m not talking about a job you maybe aren’t in love with but I’m talking about a job that literally sucks the life out of you.  The kind of job you dread getting up to go to each and every morning.


I know you need to earn a living, I get that.  That doesn’t mean you have to accept what is, the way it is?  If you’re unhappy and stressed with your current job, then do something about it!  There are so many companies looking for help out there, or maybe it’s time for you to take the leap and go out on your own and create your own business, doing what you love and are passionate about!


We often put up with so much toxicity because we believe that is all there is! Well I’m here to tell you that’s a lie.  If you truly desire something different, then you’ll make different choices and take the leap.  You are beautiful, you are smart and there’s nothing stopping you from reaching for more.


You think you’re not qualified for anything else…think again.  There is nothing you want to do that you cannot learn.  People read books all the time to educate themselves on a subject they know nothing about and become experts at it, because they had a fuel inside of them pushing them to do great things.  You are no different than those people.


There is no limit to your potential, you simply have to believe and then take the steps necessary to reach for that goal of yours! 


Study at night and in the morning when everyone is sleeping, because going to a job we are in love with means we won’t have to work another day in our lives.  It means we get to be happy doing something we enjoy.  Doesn’t that sound so much better than what you’re doing now?



3-  Toxic Foods

People are always looking to shed the weight, to deprive themselves, to cut calories…they’re willing to go to extremes for all the wrong reasons!  When we continuously fuel our bodies with toxic foods (processed foods, chemical ridden foods, foods full of pesticides) we are causing our bodies harm. 

It not only shows in our physical body, but it affects our mindset as well as our energy.  You see, each of our systems is directly tied together and when one part of our body is malfunctioning so are the others because they are in overdrive trying to make up for the slack of the other. 


When we start seeing ailments & dis-ease begin to make themselves at home in our bodies, we do not have to accept it!   We always have another opportunity to remedy anything that is not serving our most benevolent each morning we have the luxury of waking up. 


We can choose again because we value our health.  It all honesty, our health IS our wealth.  You can have all the money in the world, but if you’re body is ridden with disease and pain your money can’t and won’t do much for you!


Pay attention to what you are putting into your body and make sure it is fueling it for success rather than destruction.  It is your responsibility to make choices that are in alignment with the reality you desire, nobody elses.


Educate yourself on which ingredients have a negative effect on your body, start adding healthy options rather than eliminating the bad ones…because in the end, the more good stuff you add to your nutrition the less room there is for the toxic ones.


4-  Toxic Environment

 Every day we are exposed to more than 700,000 toxins!!!!!  That is completely insane.  The fact that so many people are oblivious to this fact and continue to poison their bodies without knowing it is baffling.  It’s impossible to eliminate all toxins from our environment but there are steps we can take to reduce that number greatly.  The toxins in our environment are seaping thorugh our skin, into our blood stream, into our lunch, into every cell of our body creating havoc we know nothing about.  We think we’re ok because the FDA approved it or the CDC approved it.  How about you start educating yourself and learning about all the things that are approved but shouldn’t be.


What if you could take measures that would allow you the freedom of health.  What if you could make changes in your life that would allow you to live migraine free, stomach ache free??  What if you could do something that would allow you more energy to play with your loved ones, to do the things you enjoy?  What if you could make small changes that in the end would and will give you a quality of life you’ve never known? What if you could be living a new life????



5-  Toxic Mindset

This one…how difficult it can be to finally part ways with our own ways.  It’s not easy to break up with ourselves so to speak.  To break up with the voice inside our heads telling us we’re not good enough, not pretty enough, not strong enough, not smart enough, not worthy enough.  The voice that makes us believe that we are not liked, needed or loved.  That voice that makes us feel so shitty.  That voice, we need to silence her because she can no longer retain the control she has over us!  She must go and you must be ok with that!  If we want a different life we must make different choices.  When we decide that we are worthy of living our best life, we also choose to commit to making the shifts necessary to achieve just that.  Letting go of the poison that fuels our mind has an effect on our body & our soul too!!  Every part of us is connected to the other.  Start paying attention to the conversations you have with yourself and ask yourself if they’re serving your highest good…and if the answer is no,  drop the thought then and there and choose another.  If you find yourself going down the rabbit hole, don’t judge it, simply bring your attention back to the present moment, a few deep breaths and close your eyes to picture your happy place and feel the feelings of being there.  See how these two exercises can have a great impact on your day to day life!


If you make these shifts, if you make an honest commitment to yourself to show up as the best version of you and you stick to this plan.  You are in for quite a treat!  Living your best life is right on the other side of the choices you make…you simply need to choose wisely! 

If you would like to chat more on the subject or are looking for some guidance or support, reach out, that’s what I’m here for!



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