Why people don’t reach their goals…

A research conducted by Strava, using over 800 million user-logged activities in 2019 predicts the day most people are likely to give up on their New Year's Resolution is January 19. (Strava calls it "Quitter's Day.")

19 DAYS!!!!!  People only stick to what they say they’re gonna do for 19 days!!!😳

Now, I’m not judging because I did this so many times in the past.

Reaching goals can be challenging, whatever it is you’re trying to achieve.  

We say we desire change, yet we’re not willing to do and be what it takes for as long as it takes.

We live in an instant gratification seeking society where we need results yesterday…without doing the work.

What if instead you did this;

#1 Make 3 specific goals each month & get crystal clear on what it is you desire, not wooshy washy, nor vague.

Seeking Physical Change? Go from: I want to be in the best shape of my life to I want to reach -% muscle mass or -% body fat, or I want to lose 5 lbs this month, or I want to run at - miles a minutes, or I want to lift - lbs

Seeking Mindset Shifts? Go from: I want to feel better to I want to feel gratitude every morning,  from I don’t want to feel so stressed to every time I find stress rising, I will take 2 minutes to breathe, from I want to be happy to I will commit to doing 1 thing that brings me pure joy each day

Seeking spiritual growth? Go from: I want to feel more connected to I will meditate twice a week for 5 minutes, from I want to know more to I will journal daily for 10 minutes, I want to manage my energy better to I will go through my spiritual hygiene routine daily.

#2 Make a plan as to how you will create the new habits that will help you achieve those goals

Find a habit that you already do daily, one that is second nature for you and piggy back the new desired habit to that one.  Research has shown that creating a new habit can happen with more ease when we attach it to another we already do.

#3 Create the environment for success!  You want to work out first thing in the morning?   Have your clothes ready before bed.  You want to meditate each morning, have your meditation space ready the night before with the music or whatever props you utilize.  You want to journal every day?  Have your journal next to your coffee/tea/lemon water to remind yourself to journal while sipping.  You want to love yourself more?  Have 3 affirmations ready next to your bathroom sink to remind you to do mirror work as you brush your teeth.   You want to start the day off in a higher frequency...get into the frequency before your feet hit the ground every morning.  You want to attract more like minded clients??  Be in the energy of the mentor that attracts just that. 

#4 Keep track of your progress! When trying to achieve something new…keeping track of your progress is so incredibly important.   It gives you an overview of how much you are actually accomplishing as we sometimes can’t see how far we’ve come.  Keep track of your workouts, the amount of time and weights you used, maybe calories burned.  Keep track of how many minutes you’ve meditated each week and perhaps you journal after your meditation to remember what you received.  Maybe you jot down how many days you journaled this week.  Or how many times you reached out to potential clients. How many times you’ve had wins in life and business.

#5 Stop focusing on what you didn’t do!  Give yourself a break.  If you skipped a day or two or five…know that the only way you fail is if you never get back up.  So stop feeling guilty because that will get you nowhere fast, instead focus on all that you have done and keep moving forward in the direction of your goals and dreams.

This isn’t about doing things fast….it’s about doing the things CONSISTENTLY in order to create long lasting, sustainable results.

The key to sticking to what we say we’re gonna do {regardless of what that is} is this; CONSISTENCY & ACCOUNTABILITY!

So tell me, did this hit a cord?  Do you find yourself lacking either consistency or accountability?????  Reach out because I have something that will support you and help you stop quitting and start winning!  Are you ready to SHIVOT?




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