It’s Okay To Allow Yourself To Receive With Ease & Grace

The energy of receiving…

In my journaling and meditation this morning it was clear…I’ve been in my masculine waayyy too much lately.

Trying to do it all. I haven’t allowed myself to receive so much.

You see, I’ve always hustled, always {well until I found another way}. I’ve always had this need to “do” a lot. In a conversation with a client yesterday I realized that she was a great mirror for me, as we discussed the need to "do" more in order to feel validated, to feel worthy.

I thought I had dealt with that belief quite some time ago, yet here it is, rearing its head. Here’s the thing…I’ve been doing the deep inner work for years now and I’m far from done! Haha

The beauty is that I can recognize the old patterns that creep up, because I’m aware.

This awareness didn’t happen overnight. It's taken work, dedication and discernment. I’ve had to dig deep and realign over and over again. That’s exactly what I’m gonna do again.

I’m going to do what I know to do best. I’m going to take a step back from the hustle because I function so much better in flow!

I LOVE recognizing where I need to shift. That is after all what I teach…to shift and pivot- hence my client creating the word {shivot} during our time together

I don’t have to do it all perfectly and I sure as hell don’t have to pretend that everything is dandy all the time.

I’m real, and I’m going to give it to you real

So here is another lesson learned, now I get to “be” the work.

I get to lean back and trust.

I get to surrender and admit defeat.

I get to get up stronger

I get to realign and stand in my power.

I get to receive with ease and flow, because that’s what feels good.

Know what….YOU DO TO!

I know someone is reading this right now and can relate. There’s no shame in this game; growth, expansion, ascension…they require us to be aware of what’s coming up to be released. I’d be worried if it weren’t.

So if you’re resonating with this…I see you, I feel you and I send you love!




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