Why my practices are so important…

I had an amazing morning...for the last few years I've been perfecting my morning routine, because I've realized how important it is to start my day off with intention. Although I don't stick to the entire routine 100% of the time, most days I do...because when I don't, I can feel the difference in my state of being and the way I shop up for myself, my family and my clients.

This morning, I spent an hour and a half meditating and journaling before my kiddos got up....yep, I'm an early riser

So much energy pulsing through me, so many messages coming through...I couldn't quite keep up, so I simply surrendered.

What stood out for me and what I felt called to share, was this....

"Integrity is honoring your soul & remaining in alignment in who you are and what you do."

When we go within and we follow our inner compass, when we do and BE in alignment...we will never go wrong

So... this is the Friday message I wanted to share with you!

I'd love to know how this message sits with you? Reply to this email and let me know. I love having conscious conversations

Wishing you an amazing weekend!




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