Ready For Something Different?

Are you feeling tired and at a loss?  Are you ready to uplevel and finally activate the bliss within you?


If you’ve said yes to these questions, I feel you!  I see you and I remember how it feels to be exactly where. You are!  I used to be there, feeling lost and not knowing where to start to get my life back on track!   I’ve been on this journey of self-discovery now for the past 7 years, and I’ll be honest, it wasn’t always easy…it still isn’t!


I had to face some pretty uncomfortable shadows, I’ve had to work through a lot of “junk” in order to get where I’m at today.   I’m still not done.  Every day that I wake up is an opportunity for me to show up even more authentically than I did the day before.  I’ve learned along the way that I create my reality, I choose what I focus on and I alone am responsible for my happiness!  This was one hard realization I have had to come to.  In all honesty I had to battle my worst enemy…ME!


Knowing that what I focus on expands and that all those years that I was focusing on a glass half empty or when I was focusing on all that wasn’t going as I desired in my life, was just bringing me more of the same!  Coming to the realization that all the things I was unhappy with were there because I wasn’t willing to learn the lessons life was presenting me with.  I wasn’t ready to work through them.


You see, the Universe will provide us with opportunities to grow and expand every single day and whether or not we take those opportunities is up to us.  When the Universe finally has had enough, it will bring you a 2X4 beside the head and that will be your final wake up call!


This may be hard to hear if you’re at the beginning of your journey, or even if you’re in the middle of it, but when you trust this truth and you work with it, your life changes.  For me, it changed in small increments with each shift I would make and today, when I look back on the woman I was and the woman I am today, we’re two very different versions of me.  The old me was impatient (okay, I sometimes still am ;)), negative, focused on all the things I wanted and therefore focusing on lack, overwhelmed, stressed and unhappy!  The old version of me wasn’t bad…she simply didn’t trust, herself for the Universe.


Today, I can proudly say that I wake up each morning (90%+ of the time) with a fire within to live my best life now…because I know now is all I have.  I no longer focus on all the things that didn’t go the way I planned, but on the things that I have right now in this moment, that we all too often take for granted!  I wake up every morning with a grateful heart, I’m grateful I get another chance at this thing called life.  I’m grateful I have another opportunity to paint my canvas and use new eclectic colors. I’m grateful for the roof over my head, the food on my plate and the connection I have with myself.  I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn a little more every day and be a better version of me. 

I wake up knowing that I’m meant for more than just surviving and dying!  I’m meant to thrive and have an impact on this world.  I know that I get to live my life’s purpose every day as I take actions that are in alignment with said purpose.


I no longer live worrying about others opinions or demands, I choose to do the things that bring me joy and that light the fire within me.  I no longer ponder on what others think of me, because I’ve learned it truly is none of my business and is simply a reflection of all the things they need to work through for themselves. I am no longer confined by the programmings of our society, but rather the freedom of my soul.


I no longer wish to be anything more or less than that which I’m called to be, because I know with certainty that I am exactly who and where I need to be in this moment. I do the work every day to not let stress overcome me. 


I continue to release fear of what is to come or regret over what has been…I choose to focus on the present moment and all that I AM right here, right now.  I consciously pay attention to my thoughts, my words, my actions and my reactions.  I pay attention to my feelings and make sure that in every moment, I’m focusing on all that serves my highest good and leaning into the feelings of bliss, joy, gratitude & love.  All of this expands my heart space.  You know that feeling of butterflies in your stomach on that first kiss, the feeling that runs through your body when you stop and feel the sun on your skin, the feeling when your child is born, the feeling you had when that beautiful baby of yours smiled at you for the first time?????  These feelings are the ones I lean to every chance I get…the feelings are pure and allow me to live a life of bliss NOW!


You see, we waist so much of our lives living in fear, stress and overwhelm.  We spend so many hours of our lives worrying about things that are out of our control when we could be using that precious time to live fully and blissfully!  It’s all a choice, and let me tell you, when you finally wake up and start doing the work, you become amazed at all the little things.  Today I wake up and am amazed by the greenery outside, the flowers that are blossoming, the beauty that lies in each snow flake that falls, the glistening of the sun on the ocean, the feeling of the wind on my skin, the smell of salt in the air when I’m at the beach, the beautiful melody that comes from my children when they’re giggling, the chirping of the birds in the morning.  These may seem to be little things, but one day you too, will come to realize they are everything!


It’s all about perspective…it truly is.  When you start to shift the way you look at things, the things you look at will shift.   Until you’re willing to get uncomfortable and get real honest with yourself, you’ll remain where you are.  You’ve heard it before but you can’t keep doing the same things over and over again and expect a different outcome.  If you truly desire to live your best life, trust…trust the process.  Believe that everything you desire is right there waiting for you to finally take charge.  It’s waiting for you to love yourself enough to know you are capable of beautiful things. 


So, to you that’s out there reading this feeling down…I see you, I hear you, I feel you…but remember that the life you see others living, the life you desire is right there, right now.  The question is….will you reclaim control, trust and allow it all to come to you or will you continue doing the things that have kept you chained to this vicious cycle of yours?!?!?


If you’re looking for support, reach out, I’m here to help you reach new heights!




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